2018 Vacay with the Harley’s – Ohio (Part3)

So the next leg of our journey was to Ohio to spend a couple days with our besties! It took us about 5 hours from Louisville KY to Tiro, OH. First order of business was a grocery store trip for, you guessed it, beverages! The theme continues…What amazing air and it’s a bit chilly! Yes its chilly and its nearly July 4th! Unfortunately the weather is still not cooperating so the HDs aren’t getting a work out on this part of the trip.

The Besties!


We are only here for a couple days so we are on a mission to make it count. After breakfast we head towards Sandusky, we literally did a sightseeing tour up to the front gates of Cedar Point; definitely need to go here the next trip up. 

Then we head to the Ferry to go to Put-in-bay, OH, yep that’s the name of a place on South Bass island in Lake Erie. It has a huge Memorial and International Peace Memorial to commemorate the battle of 1812; there happens to be a large Column or tower you can go up in for some absolutely amazing views and you are only 5 miles from Canada.


We rented a golf cart and toured the whole island, looking at old homes and even ran across a little girl selling her coloring pages. The history is just incredible this place reminds me of Mackinac Island in Michigan except you can drive gas powered vehicles here. What a fun place, I would love to come back and explore the other islands; allegedly there is a winery on Middle Bass island. We hop the Ferry back to the mainland, did I mention is was chilly, and head for one of the most interesting places yet; the Thirsty Pony.  

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The Thirsty Pony is in Sandusky near Cedar Point and is a hotel, bowling alley, laser tag, casino (of sorts), restaurant ALL under one roof! The food was great! You’ll have to take my word on this because after a long day sightseeing no one took any pictures of our food or even a group picture inside LOL.

Day 2 in Ohio, we went to the local Harley Davidson shop and toured around town. Our besties are from these parts so they showed their old stomping grounds. I tell you seriously, we will be back to do more exploring. This area is so rich in history as well as farms and just amazing people.

Found this little gem for our Granddaughter that is due to arrive in November!

Leaving in the morning for Michigan; this will be an epic adventure so stay tuned!

7 thoughts on “2018 Vacay with the Harley’s – Ohio (Part3)

    1. Thank you so much for your comment. I am working on a book review of a lady that went on a criss country trip by herself on her motorcycle, hopefully i will have it up this weekend and would love your input.

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