Tag Archives: #dayfive

Peace – Dec 8

Peace, what does that mean to you?

Inner peace or peace with others…

For me, inner peace means letting go of what or who, you can not control. We are all control freaks at times because we get caught up in the image we hold in our minds. Sometimes the Universe has a better idea.

Ever push so hard for something and it just doesn’t work out, then you are highly disappointed? Yeah, that’s the universe saying “let it go Elsa” this is the way it needs to be.

Peace with others, this one is a bit harder. You have to be willing to accept people for the way they are, not how you think they should be. Think about that for a minute…

Ultimately, it is NOT your job to make people see the error of their ways. You do not have to be around toxic people but you also can’t carry that baggage around either; put it down, cut that nerve. When and if they are ready, they’ll see it for what it is. Hopefully it wont be too late.

Show your children how to be the better person. Show them how to have inner peace and how to NOT carry others baggage.

Be the better person.

Hope or Promise – Dec 6

I was reading up on Advent and what I was reminded of is the 4 weeks have a separate theme.

This week is Hope or Promise.

What is Hope?

Here is a definition:

“Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large.”

I like to try to be optimistic about everything. Like giving people the benefit of doubt instead of believing everything you hear or sometimes see. There’s ALWAYS more to a story…

To me being an optimist means, there’s options. Who doesn’t like options?

I think having hope is a promise for positivity.

Be Kind – Dec 5

I know it should go without saying, but, Be Nice! Be Sweet! Be Kind to others!

On a whim I looked on Google Trends for “Advent Kindness”, want to know what it said?

In a period of 12 months, Kindness is dead! Literally there’s more action on an EKG of someone on life support than on this bar graph.

I went back and just searched for the word “kindness”, ok this bar graph looks like someone ON life support. This graph shows a major peak in November. But did a complete nose dive after November 10th, but it’s on the upswing as of today.

Maybe people dont need to ask Google for advice or ways to show kindness or maybe people just dont care about each other as much.

What do you think?

I think some people are so self absorbed they don’t think about anyone else but themselves; but are some of the first to complain that no one thought about them.

It’s a 2-way street folks, YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE!