Camera Clicks – Photo Challenge-Animals-in-Nature

Last weekend we went to the Zoo to celebrate a 7th Birthday. We hadn’t been in a loooong time, long story short, WHAT a fun time! Here are a few of the “characters ” we encountered…

Our National symbol was a Stately and tolerant subject…

Played peak-a-boo with this lady who was trying to eat lunch…

I got the impression this fella came running to the fence to see the little people…

This fella was part of a show and was not interrested in participating…

The Aquarium area had alot of aquatic turtles…I ❤ Turtles❣

Did I mention I love turtles…they are just an amazing creature to me.

Living in Florida we see alot of critters around, but you can get in serious trouble if you interact with them, so going to the Zoo is an awesome way to see them up close.

12 thoughts on “Camera Clicks – Photo Challenge-Animals-in-Nature

    1. Yep, I am definitely old enough to be your momma LOL its my new favy place to go take pics, people watch and get my steps in! Win win! Thanks so much!


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