Tag Archives: Review

Who was Daniel Boone – From the Lady Cave

And here is another person my 30 year old friend didn’t know…

So let’s start with this, have you ever watched (or read the book) “The Last of the Mohicans”?

This is one of my top 5 movies EVER! The main character is based loosely on Daniel Boone. Oh, Daniel Day-Lewis be still my heart! “Stay Alive! I Will Find You!”

There is alot of fact and legend surrounding DBs life. You can read more HERE about his very adventurous life.

For me, just reading about him makes me want to learn more about North Carolina, Kentucke (original spelling before it became Kentucky), Virginia, West Virginia and Missouri.

Funny how educating yourself leads to more knowledge.

Who else might you want to know about? Or is there a place you are curious about? Let me know in the comments and I’ll see about it.

Who was Benjamin Franklin – From the Lady Cave

What prompted this topic was a discussion with a 30 year old…

Not only did they not know a pickle was a cucumber, they had no clue who Benjamin Franklin was and why he was so important to the creation of America. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ

This person thought he was a President because he was on the $100 bill. ๐Ÿคฏ

Here is a link that will help inform or educate you on Who Ben Franklin was and how he became a key negotiator in our becoming The United States of America.

Over the summer we went to Washington DC and I picked up a little book of quotes by Ben Franklin.

Here are a few famous quotes:

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria.

Hide not your talents, they for use were made, What’s a sundial in the shade?

From the Lady Cave: Sharing a Fabulous Book List

I am sharing this book list, partly for selfish reasons (I need to add a few to my TBR ๐Ÿ˜) and to hopefully inspire someone else to read some of these.

I am incredibly Thankful for alot of things, people and situations that got me to this point in my life.

Can’t think of a better day to share this than on Thanksgiving Day, which happens to also be my Birthday โฃ

Enjoy every minute my friends, make it count!

Here is a link to a post from The Orang-utan Librarian, she has the best lists: https://wp.me/p6boOO-4Ht

So, we donโ€™t have Thanksgiving here in the UK, but that doesnโ€™t mean I canโ€™t share some BOOKISH GRATITUDE! I tried to narrow this down to books that have a special place in my heart or that came into my life at exactly the right time (although of course, most great books feel like that, simply by virtue of being great ๐Ÿ˜‰). Annnd Iโ€™m gonna be honest, I ended up with a very different post to the one I started with, because I took out anything too dark. I think I just prefer this to be a *happy place*. Without further ado, here are some of the books Iโ€™m most grateful for:

Harry Potterโ€“ starting way back when I was 7- this was the first big book I ever read and I will always be thankful that it made me the reader I am today. Yes, I am a stereotypical millennial reader and proud of it ๐Ÿ˜‰

The Hobbitโ€“ aside from being mythologically rich and having wonderful characters, this book gave me my love of fantasy- how could I not include it?

Peter Panโ€“ this is another childhood favourite and Iโ€™d feel remiss not to include it, especially given how often it inspired me to practice flying as a child ๐Ÿ˜‰ (granted, I never actually achieved my goal, but not for want of trying ๐Ÿ˜‰)

Rebeccaโ€“ this book always reminds me of my mum, cos itโ€™s her favourite. And Iโ€™m always glad that she foisted her favourites on me!

The Idiotโ€“ I originally felt like I had no special reason for including this one, but whenever I think about books that have shaped me, this springs to mind. I read this at about thirteen and it just clicked. Not only did it start a lifelong love of Dostoevsky, it taught me so many valuable lessons that I carry with me to this day.

Emmaโ€“ okay, quick confession, Iโ€™d already read Pride and Prejudice when I read this and I think I was too young to get the irony. Iโ€™m really happy I read this book, because it unlocked Austenโ€™s humour for me. I ended up rereading Pride and Prejudice shortly after and loved it the second time round! (which was lucky, cos I was set it for school). Then, of course, I read all the others and have never looked back!

Dr Faustusโ€“ it just lit up my brain at exactly the right moment- yes I am enough of a dork to include academic inspiration on this list.

Manโ€™s Search for Meaningโ€“ part autobiography, part exploration of logotherapy, Franklโ€™s book may seem a bit heavy on the surface. However, itโ€™s actually the most uplifting book Iโ€™ve ever read and my brother was a hundred percent right about getting me to read it!

Mortโ€“ I *needed* this book in my life- I just didnโ€™t know it. Fortunately, a couple of my friends did know that I needed to read this and pushed me into itโ€ฆ and I couldnโ€™t be happier that they did! Plus, one of my friends knew exactly which Pratchett to get me started on. So I know youโ€™re not reading this, but thank you.

Viciousโ€“ fun fact, I was giving blood for the first time when I read this- and it was the *perfect* distraction! It was simply too brilliant! You simply canโ€™t pay attention to anything else going on when youโ€™ve got Schwab for company! (also, guys, give blood- itโ€™s a great excuse to sit and read and you get free biscuits ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Grey Sisterโ€“ ah this is just a pleasure to put on the list. I was in a horrible slump a couple of summers ago and trying to deal with big life changes- this gave me a welcome distraction for a few hours- which I was immensely grateful for, I can tell you!

Carry Onโ€“ I canโ€™t stop being thankful for this magical book- because it has the power to pull me out of any slump and give me all the *warm fuzzies*!

That was fun- I feel like I should steal more traditions from across the Pond ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope all my American friends have a Happy Thanksgiving! (and if itโ€™s not to late, the same to all you lovely Canadians!) And, Iโ€™m curious, what books are you most grateful for? Let me know in the comments!

Camera Clicks: Fire Images

I am obsessed with taking photos of fire. If you know a firefighter, they will talk about fighting the Dragon. I think I actually captured one and several other images…let me know what you see…

Figures praying or dancing
Dragon II
??? Can’t decide…people laying on ground
Wolf pack and moon
Birds taking flight
Baby birds in a nest
People dancing…critters in the woods…
Cats in a cradle
Women and children

Book Review – Seeking your thoughts

Good morning everyone! As many of you know I have many interests and one of my favorites goes without saying…ok I’ll say it anyway…BOOKS!!!

As I was adding a “few” (ahem ๐Ÿ˜‰) to one of my TBR lists, I came across this blog post:


And I had to share it! It goes without saying…yep, I am saying it anyway…that I added most of these books to my wish listโฃ๐Ÿ“š

Please let me know if you’ve read any of these and if they are “must reads”!?

BB&Y Music Concert Review: By Dixie

Kenny Chesney’s Trip Around the Sun Tour – Raymond James Stadium, Tampa, FL

The line up was Brandon Lay, Old Dominion, Thomas Rhett and Kenny Chesney

We were extremely lucky to have attended this concert from up in the box seats. If you ever have the opportunity to experience an event from up there, don’t pass it up. Just having food, drinks and a bathroom available without loosing your spot or seat is worth the cost. The only suggestion I have is get your T-shirts and other concert must haves before you go up, its one hell of a trek down and back.

So the music was fantastic! I hadn’t heard of Brandon Lay before the concert which really surprised me because I pride myself on knowing or having heard the new stuff when it comes out. We were highly impressed with all the covers Brandon did and I have put him on my radar to watch.

Old Dominion absolutely Rocked It! Having just won the Vocal Duo Group of the Year, they really brought their A game. The crowd really loved their energy and returned it to them too. I haven’t heard one of their songs that I have not liked.

Thomas Rhett played his hits but didn’t really seem like he was in the right mood. I heard that he was out partying with fans out in the parking lot, darn I wish we had walked around. Don’t get me wrong, I love his music and love singing in the car to all his stuff. He was wearing a T-shirt (Go Bucs!) and sweat pants with the drawstring hanging out the front, for some reason that really bugged a few of us.

Kenny Chesney, this guy put all the others to shame! I am absolutely stunned that he hasn’t won more awards and entertainer of the year. He played for 2 hours and only played his hits, really, have you ever just looked at his list of hits? He was non-stop the entire time. Ya know I have often heard that he was a health nut, its a wonder! I would definitely go see him again.

I hade not seen any of these fellas before and was not disappointed (well with the exception of Rhett’s sweat pants lol), well worth the time and money. It was a Fantastic Time.

If I have to rate them (1 to 4, 1 being my favorite), #4 Brandon Lay, #3 Thomas Rhett, #2 Old Dominion and #1 Kenny Chesney.