Tag Archives: #salem

Who was Daniel Boone – From the Lady Cave

And here is another person my 30 year old friend didn’t know…

So let’s start with this, have you ever watched (or read the book) “The Last of the Mohicans”?

This is one of my top 5 movies EVER! The main character is based loosely on Daniel Boone. Oh, Daniel Day-Lewis be still my heart! “Stay Alive! I Will Find You!”

There is alot of fact and legend surrounding DBs life. You can read more HERE about his very adventurous life.

For me, just reading about him makes me want to learn more about North Carolina, Kentucke (original spelling before it became Kentucky), Virginia, West Virginia and Missouri.

Funny how educating yourself leads to more knowledge.

Who else might you want to know about? Or is there a place you are curious about? Let me know in the comments and I’ll see about it.

Who was Benjamin Franklin – From the Lady Cave

What prompted this topic was a discussion with a 30 year old…

Not only did they not know a pickle was a cucumber, they had no clue who Benjamin Franklin was and why he was so important to the creation of America. 🇺🇲

This person thought he was a President because he was on the $100 bill. 🤯

Here is a link that will help inform or educate you on Who Ben Franklin was and how he became a key negotiator in our becoming The United States of America.

Over the summer we went to Washington DC and I picked up a little book of quotes by Ben Franklin.

Here are a few famous quotes:

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria.

Hide not your talents, they for use were made, What’s a sundial in the shade?

2019 Vacay with the Harley (Part 1 of 2)

First, I am not being compensated in anyway. These are my experiences and my opinions only.

Now, let me share…This is 1 of 2 posts on our vacay this year.We started out June 21 from Florida headed to Boston area.

We stopped twice on the way up. Those stops were memorable only because the Super 8 motel’s were cheap but let me tell you, they were sketchy as hell! In this case BELIEVE the online reviews. Ok, that’s all I am going to say about that, rest assured, NEVER AGAIN!

Here are a few pics of a beautiful rest area we stopped in.

Here is my car project I finished on the first day, I’ll definitely make a couple more of these.

At one of our stops, we went to this little place by the hotel, the caveman wanted a cheesesteak hoagie. So he saw a picture of this and thought if it’s close to the picture it’ll be good. I can tell you it looked exactly like the picture and he said it was great! It was cheese, steak, shrimp and chicken…yum!

I haven’t been this far north in a very long time. I was able to snap some pictures along the highway, that honestly doesn’t do the scenery justice. In some you’ll notice vehicles or motorcycles but look in the background. I am also always drawn to rocks and there are plenty of those to see sticking out of the mountainsides.

As I anticipate getting to Boston, I can’t stop thinking about the Revolutionary war. What it must have been like to live during that time. The only modes of transportation were by horse or by your own two feet. When I look out at scenery like this, I think about the people that walked or rode a horse around these mountains and hillsides looking for a better existence.

I also give props to the surveyors that plotted these roads from way back then to modern times, what adventurous souls they must have been.

We Made It!!!

Now for a train ride into Boston!

As I take pictures around Boston, I can’t help but to switch back and forth between color snaps and Black and white because old places just look better.

We hit 3 historical places: The Bell in Hand and the Green Dragon. These 2 in particular were places that Freedom strategies were discussed…total goosebumps!

And the 3rd… well…

We also walked around Boston Commons Park. What an amazing green space and let me tell you the people watching did not disappoint.

One of our guided motorcycle rides went to Minute Man National Historic Park. What, an amazing experience, we only wish we had more time to explore; future trip for sure. Brush up on your History…

To say I took many pictures is an understatement! Please let me know if you’d like to see more. This place is beyond special….We then drove a few more mile’s to the visitors center…

Then we went to the historic town of Lexington for lunch…

A few of us had a few hours to burn so we took a ride to Salem!!! Definitely would like to explore this place further!

I had to buy a new Hat and Broom!!!

Stay tuned for our next leg, going to Washington DC (for the first time ever!) for 4th of July!!!