Tag Archives: #google

Camera Clicks – December 2019 (Part 1)

You know I love the moon.

Tonight is the Last Full Moon for 2019.

These are from the parking lot at my office, I can only imagine the person that reviews the security footage. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ they may see me (at 0630am on 12/12) sitting or kneeling on the ground or leaning on my car…πŸ“ΈπŸ’™πŸŒ

Who was Daniel Boone – From the Lady Cave

And here is another person my 30 year old friend didn’t know…

So let’s start with this, have you ever watched (or read the book) “The Last of the Mohicans”?

This is one of my top 5 movies EVER! The main character is based loosely on Daniel Boone. Oh, Daniel Day-Lewis be still my heart! “Stay Alive! I Will Find You!”

There is alot of fact and legend surrounding DBs life. You can read more HERE about his very adventurous life.

For me, just reading about him makes me want to learn more about North Carolina, Kentucke (original spelling before it became Kentucky), Virginia, West Virginia and Missouri.

Funny how educating yourself leads to more knowledge.

Who else might you want to know about? Or is there a place you are curious about? Let me know in the comments and I’ll see about it.

Who was Benjamin Franklin – From the Lady Cave

What prompted this topic was a discussion with a 30 year old…

Not only did they not know a pickle was a cucumber, they had no clue who Benjamin Franklin was and why he was so important to the creation of America. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

This person thought he was a President because he was on the $100 bill. 🀯

Here is a link that will help inform or educate you on Who Ben Franklin was and how he became a key negotiator in our becoming The United States of America.

Over the summer we went to Washington DC and I picked up a little book of quotes by Ben Franklin.

Here are a few famous quotes:

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria.

Hide not your talents, they for use were made, What’s a sundial in the shade?

Where Pickles come from – From the Lady Cave

Where do pickles come from? Do you know? Oddly to me, there are more than a few people who don’t know. In fact, they think pickles are grown as pickles…yes, you read that right.

They honestly think pickles in all their crunchy, salty, sour goodness are grown just like that.

I find it hard to believe and had I not had a completely honest discussion with a 30 year old fella, I wouldn’t have believed it.

Pickles are Cucumbers. A pickle is made by putting cucumbers in a jar or barrel with water, vinegar and spices. Then it sits for a time until the desired taste is achieved.

Here is a video I found, there are dozens more so please Educate yourself: How to make pickles

The next couple of post topics came from my discussion with this young man…he really didn’t know pickles were cucumbers.

Please educate yourselves…