Tag Archives: #emptynest

Camera Clicks – December 2019 (Part 1)

You know I love the moon.

Tonight is the Last Full Moon for 2019.

These are from the parking lot at my office, I can only imagine the person that reviews the security footage. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ they may see me (at 0630am on 12/12) sitting or kneeling on the ground or leaning on my car…πŸ“ΈπŸ’™πŸŒ

Who was Daniel Boone – From the Lady Cave

And here is another person my 30 year old friend didn’t know…

So let’s start with this, have you ever watched (or read the book) “The Last of the Mohicans”?

This is one of my top 5 movies EVER! The main character is based loosely on Daniel Boone. Oh, Daniel Day-Lewis be still my heart! “Stay Alive! I Will Find You!”

There is alot of fact and legend surrounding DBs life. You can read more HERE about his very adventurous life.

For me, just reading about him makes me want to learn more about North Carolina, Kentucke (original spelling before it became Kentucky), Virginia, West Virginia and Missouri.

Funny how educating yourself leads to more knowledge.

Who else might you want to know about? Or is there a place you are curious about? Let me know in the comments and I’ll see about it.

Who was Benjamin Franklin – From the Lady Cave

What prompted this topic was a discussion with a 30 year old…

Not only did they not know a pickle was a cucumber, they had no clue who Benjamin Franklin was and why he was so important to the creation of America. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

This person thought he was a President because he was on the $100 bill. 🀯

Here is a link that will help inform or educate you on Who Ben Franklin was and how he became a key negotiator in our becoming The United States of America.

Over the summer we went to Washington DC and I picked up a little book of quotes by Ben Franklin.

Here are a few famous quotes:

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.

In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is Freedom, in water there is bacteria.

Hide not your talents, they for use were made, What’s a sundial in the shade?

Camera Clicks – Speed light

My Hubs got me a speed light (Nikon SB-300) for my birthday. I was so excited even though I had no idea how to use it correctly. So off to YouTube I went. I watched a few different videos by a few different channels like: Sean Tucker, Tony and Chelsea; The Photography Academy and etc.

THIS just upped my Love for photographyβ£πŸ“ΈπŸ˜

It’s amazing to have the ability to warm up a scene by just redirecting some light.

Before the speed light:

I love the pictures above but here’s some with the speed light at different angles.

Where Pickles come from – From the Lady Cave

Where do pickles come from? Do you know? Oddly to me, there are more than a few people who don’t know. In fact, they think pickles are grown as pickles…yes, you read that right.

They honestly think pickles in all their crunchy, salty, sour goodness are grown just like that.

I find it hard to believe and had I not had a completely honest discussion with a 30 year old fella, I wouldn’t have believed it.

Pickles are Cucumbers. A pickle is made by putting cucumbers in a jar or barrel with water, vinegar and spices. Then it sits for a time until the desired taste is achieved.

Here is a video I found, there are dozens more so please Educate yourself: How to make pickles

The next couple of post topics came from my discussion with this young man…he really didn’t know pickles were cucumbers.

Please educate yourselves…

From the Lady Cave: Sharing a Fabulous Book List

I am sharing this book list, partly for selfish reasons (I need to add a few to my TBR 😁) and to hopefully inspire someone else to read some of these.

I am incredibly Thankful for alot of things, people and situations that got me to this point in my life.

Can’t think of a better day to share this than on Thanksgiving Day, which happens to also be my Birthday ❣

Enjoy every minute my friends, make it count!

Here is a link to a post from The Orang-utan Librarian, she has the best lists: https://wp.me/p6boOO-4Ht

So, we don’t have Thanksgiving here in the UK, but that doesn’t mean I can’t share some BOOKISH GRATITUDE! I tried to narrow this down to books that have a special place in my heart or that came into my life at exactly the right time (although of course, most great books feel like that, simply by virtue of being great πŸ˜‰). Annnd I’m gonna be honest, I ended up with a very different post to the one I started with, because I took out anything too dark. I think I just prefer this to be a *happy place*. Without further ado, here are some of the books I’m most grateful for:

Harry Potter– starting way back when I was 7- this was the first big book I ever read and I will always be thankful that it made me the reader I am today. Yes, I am a stereotypical millennial reader and proud of it πŸ˜‰

The Hobbit– aside from being mythologically rich and having wonderful characters, this book gave me my love of fantasy- how could I not include it?

Peter Pan– this is another childhood favourite and I’d feel remiss not to include it, especially given how often it inspired me to practice flying as a child πŸ˜‰ (granted, I never actually achieved my goal, but not for want of trying πŸ˜‰)

Rebecca– this book always reminds me of my mum, cos it’s her favourite. And I’m always glad that she foisted her favourites on me!

The Idiot– I originally felt like I had no special reason for including this one, but whenever I think about books that have shaped me, this springs to mind. I read this at about thirteen and it just clicked. Not only did it start a lifelong love of Dostoevsky, it taught me so many valuable lessons that I carry with me to this day.

Emma– okay, quick confession, I’d already read Pride and Prejudice when I read this and I think I was too young to get the irony. I’m really happy I read this book, because it unlocked Austen’s humour for me. I ended up rereading Pride and Prejudice shortly after and loved it the second time round! (which was lucky, cos I was set it for school). Then, of course, I read all the others and have never looked back!

Dr Faustus– it just lit up my brain at exactly the right moment- yes I am enough of a dork to include academic inspiration on this list.

Man’s Search for Meaning– part autobiography, part exploration of logotherapy, Frankl’s book may seem a bit heavy on the surface. However, it’s actually the most uplifting book I’ve ever read and my brother was a hundred percent right about getting me to read it!

Mort– I *needed* this book in my life- I just didn’t know it. Fortunately, a couple of my friends did know that I needed to read this and pushed me into it… and I couldn’t be happier that they did! Plus, one of my friends knew exactly which Pratchett to get me started on. So I know you’re not reading this, but thank you.

Vicious– fun fact, I was giving blood for the first time when I read this- and it was the *perfect* distraction! It was simply too brilliant! You simply can’t pay attention to anything else going on when you’ve got Schwab for company! (also, guys, give blood- it’s a great excuse to sit and read and you get free biscuits πŸ˜‰ )

Grey Sister– ah this is just a pleasure to put on the list. I was in a horrible slump a couple of summers ago and trying to deal with big life changes- this gave me a welcome distraction for a few hours- which I was immensely grateful for, I can tell you!

Carry On– I can’t stop being thankful for this magical book- because it has the power to pull me out of any slump and give me all the *warm fuzzies*!

That was fun- I feel like I should steal more traditions from across the Pond πŸ˜‰ Hope all my American friends have a Happy Thanksgiving! (and if it’s not to late, the same to all you lovely Canadians!) And, I’m curious, what books are you most grateful for? Let me know in the comments!

From the Lady Cave: Disney +

I like to stream Netflix and sometimes Hulu from my phone. Verizon just gave their customers Disney + free for a year.

So I downloaded the app and started using it. I was excited about watching or listening to some of my favorites from waayy back in the day.

I first started watching “Bed knobs and Broomsticks”, oh my I haven’t seen this in a VERY VERY long time.

I did get a bit frustrated trying to find the movie I was in the middle of watching because I had to exit out abruptly then restart. I had an expectation that whatever I was watching would basically be near the top of the screen (like Netflix) but it wasn’t. There isn’t a “continue watching”, “Watch list” or a “recently added” category.

I just found my “watch list” today when I arbitrarily clicked the Mickey mouse button at the bottom of the screen. I really was stunned that it would be there.

I am still enjoying this app and have gone on to watch “The Sound of Music” the original version. ❀

So tell me, have you started using the app? What has your experience been like?

From the Lady Cave: over 50 and Feeling it

This meme REALLY hit the nail on the head…………..

Anyone else out there who can relate to this?

I was just talking to my sister about the things you get happy about when you’re in your 50s. Like when all your doctors are all in the same location or town.

And what the heck, we’ve now become capable of pronouncing all the doctor/specialists area of expertise with ease, like Hematologist, gastroenterologist, or the one you go to for thyroid issues….um yeah that one! Haha my mind went blank…

Speaking of, the frickin memory issues…its right on the edge of your tongue AND it’s gone WTH! Until roughly 324AM! when BAM you remember! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Seriously what happened to my ass? I just caught a glimpse of it in the bathroom mirror…I have an old ladies Ass!!!

It’s like the elasticity of my skin had an expiration date. Although, I’ve looked for that date stamp (trust me!) and I can’t find it anywhere! Now this reminds me of that Brad Paisley song “Ticks” where he sings “I want to check you for ticks” or something to that nature…I’ll have to Google it now! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Damn, what was I talking about? I seem to have gotten lost in the woods…🌴🌳🌲

If life hasn’t taught you anything up to this point, its taught you to roll with it and laugh, alot!

My photos taken at a local nature Preserve…

From the Lady Cave: Empty Nest

I saw this topic on a fellow bloggers page: debbiehipster which gave me this idea of the “From the Lady Cave” topic.

So this is the first of several posts that I’d like to share. I also think this will help bring my blog together and may warrant a blog name change. I’d love to hear your thoughts…

My personal picture taken at a local nature Preserve

My blogger friend is new empty nester and we have been empty nesters for about 5 years.

We are loving it! It has been a huge adjustment. When your universe develops a void, like the sun is missing, your orbit gets wonky, you have to learn to adjust and that takes time.

It’s like being newlyweds again! But we are “Older and Wiser and have better insurance ” (that’s a movie reference, want to guess?) So we can watch whatever we want, go out to dinner, walk naked through the house and “Do” whatever else wherever we feel like it! 😁

Don’t get me wrong, We Love hanging out and talking on the phone with our kids, we miss them immensely. But, it’s time for them to be grownups and make their own decisions; good bad or otherwise.

Boy am I enjoying watching them. They are both married with children now. Yep, we have 2 granddaughters and a boy on the way! Gosh, grandkids are the best. But you know what the really best part is? When our adult children ask for our help or advice in general.

I have often referred to my life experiences as a Wife and Mother to that of a Combat Veteran! There are occasions that a smell or a tone of voice will make me have a flashback that invokes all kinds of emotions; good and not so great. But man, what a journey its been.

So being an empty nester is the opening of a new chapter in your book of life. So enjoy it, make it count! Do all those things you set aside for various reasons: money, time, for the good of the family.

I’ve done alot of thinking about that young teenager who had the world by the balls and didn’t know it, who wanted to do and go and experience all kinds of things. Some of those ideas were dumb as hell, some weren’t. But life steers you in directions you never even considered. My favorite saying to my kids has been “Go where the road takes you, you just never know where you’ll end up”

In our experience, Life is too damn short, LIVE IT!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this post and by all means if you’d like to chat anytime please reach out❣