Tag Archives: #pictures

Camera Clicks – Speed light

My Hubs got me a speed light (Nikon SB-300) for my birthday. I was so excited even though I had no idea how to use it correctly. So off to YouTube I went. I watched a few different videos by a few different channels like: Sean Tucker, Tony and Chelsea; The Photography Academy and etc.

THIS just upped my Love for photography❣📸😁

It’s amazing to have the ability to warm up a scene by just redirecting some light.

Before the speed light:

I love the pictures above but here’s some with the speed light at different angles.

Where Pickles come from – From the Lady Cave

Where do pickles come from? Do you know? Oddly to me, there are more than a few people who don’t know. In fact, they think pickles are grown as pickles…yes, you read that right.

They honestly think pickles in all their crunchy, salty, sour goodness are grown just like that.

I find it hard to believe and had I not had a completely honest discussion with a 30 year old fella, I wouldn’t have believed it.

Pickles are Cucumbers. A pickle is made by putting cucumbers in a jar or barrel with water, vinegar and spices. Then it sits for a time until the desired taste is achieved.

Here is a video I found, there are dozens more so please Educate yourself: How to make pickles

The next couple of post topics came from my discussion with this young man…he really didn’t know pickles were cucumbers.

Please educate yourselves…

From the Lady Cave: Disney +

I like to stream Netflix and sometimes Hulu from my phone. Verizon just gave their customers Disney + free for a year.

So I downloaded the app and started using it. I was excited about watching or listening to some of my favorites from waayy back in the day.

I first started watching “Bed knobs and Broomsticks”, oh my I haven’t seen this in a VERY VERY long time.

I did get a bit frustrated trying to find the movie I was in the middle of watching because I had to exit out abruptly then restart. I had an expectation that whatever I was watching would basically be near the top of the screen (like Netflix) but it wasn’t. There isn’t a “continue watching”, “Watch list” or a “recently added” category.

I just found my “watch list” today when I arbitrarily clicked the Mickey mouse button at the bottom of the screen. I really was stunned that it would be there.

I am still enjoying this app and have gone on to watch “The Sound of Music” the original version. ❤

So tell me, have you started using the app? What has your experience been like?

HOTH: Crochet Group End of Year Contributions


I am so ridiculously proud of my little crochet group. We have a few dozen members but only about 10 of us that crochet.

This year has been so challenging for so many of us, but we managed to do 60 lapghans (split between our domestic abuse shelter, senior orphans and Moffitt Cancer center; baby hats for Shaken Baby syndrome Oklahoma; hats, scarves, clothing, food and other items for our Senior Orphans.

Now meet some of the crew:

Our Leader and my Bestie!
A Force to be wreckened with Ms M. She’s 91!
A newby and 2 Hook Sisters: 1 from Boston and 1 from Ohio
1 of the Youngins and part of the sustenance provided by our leader.
Me and the newby admiring all our hard work, all tagged and bagged.
Even though she couldn’t be here, she sent stuff all the way from North Georgia❣

The work tables…

From the Lady Cave: Cancer (3 yr Check Up Day)

About 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer; but so where many others and a few people close to me.

One minute you’re in that “that won’t happen to me” or “that happens to Older people” club. But what happens next once you are diagnosed? I am here to tell you there’s a lot of guess work; educated guesses but staying positive is crucial!

They never know really what causes cancer to grow but they can tell you stress will feed it. I know stress comes in all forms and sometimes you don’t even know that you are stressed. But your body is a mysterious and knowing thing. We can ignore the aches and pains or we can run to the doctor at the first implication of anything that could be wrong.

Sometimes we get so inundated with information that you are sure you’ve got whatever it is…This is Stress!

In my Opinion, I recommend Educating yourself; admit that anything is a possibility. But first, be rational and positive!

So I was diagnosed and had surgery in about a 6 week period and this type of cancer cannot be treated with Chemo or Radiation. What!? I know isn’t that weird?

Doesn’t everyone who has cancer need one or both of these to treat it? Nope, now ask me how that feels?

I was relieved at first, luckily I didn’t lose my kidney (it was 1mm away) but they took a nice hunk out of it. Today I am fine and incredibly thankful and humble for everyone involved in the whole scenario.

But there are other people in my life that weren’t as lucky as me; and I feel guilty. Now here me out before you say “don’t be”.

Please make no mistake; I am not looking for sympathy or attention by telling you this. I want you to know that these people matter to me and their families. Many people really don’t talk about their ordeal. Many fade into the background. Many just don’t want people to hover or make them feel like they are dying. Because let’s get real here, the first reaction by most people is the “aw damn so sorry for your lose” look and statement. The person is still alive and has hopes and dreams of coming through this with at least some scars, but still alive.

Me, I refused to give into the negative thought that this was the end; this was a part of my journey. My mantra was “You can’t sweat the stuff you have no control over”!

This is not a unique thought. I saw a man who was given 6 months to a year to live and made it over 18 months and those were the most memorable months a family could ask for.

I saw a woman endure her whole ordeal in almost complete silence. I watched a woman come to grips with her next chapter in the universe.

It is all heart breaking but what hurts me here is people really aren’t talking about any of it. I know it’s a really tough conversation because it is such an emotional subject. But we need to share our experience to help educate others; other caregivers, other cancer patients, other doctors, see the ripple effect here?

Every one of us thinks it’s just happening to us, no one is going through what we are going through and if, you want to split hairs that is true.

But what about the people that are going through it with you like your caregiver or family? They are watching you and for the most part taking the lead from you. No one wants to be a burden. To be a burden implies the stress of thinking you are not worthy. Let me ask you, would you take care of someone if they were in your place?

I think some people would say they would rather take care of someone else. But think about this, could your experience help someone else in the future? Could your knowledge of your experience help you help someone else? I think the possibilities are endless a “ripple effect” if you will.

I am a big proponent of “what you put out in the universe will come back to you”.

So staying as positive as possible is a must but you have to take the step and put it out there.

From the Lady Cave: Blinkers

So I was inspired to write a bunch of topics down for my new posts and this was one of them.

While driving to work one morning, it occurred to me that sometimes you need to make a split second decision leaving no time to “signal” first.

This thought led to, “damn, isn’t that true to life?”

I like to keep things fluid, I learned early you really can’t be so rigid with your plans. It’s great to have a plan and general direction but life has a way of throwing debris in front of you.

This debris can be anything from a small object or issue, or a huge life altering event. Hindsight being what it is, for me, you have to expect the unexpected.

This leads to my favorite saying “Improvise, Overcome and Adapt” which then leads to my second favorite “Go where the road takes you; you just never know where you’ll end up”.

I feel like someone needs to hear this today.

Please reach out if you’d like to chat.

Heres some of my favorite pictures I took this past weekend:

If these mountains could talk….